electrifysomething presents
Climate Action Personal Trainer
Stop farting around.Give me 1 month to up your climate action game by making it fun.Pay what you want.
If you're sweating how to take more climate action, you have two options:
Keep waiting for someone to tell you exactly what to do, how much it will cost, and how much it will hurt, or
Start now.
A one-month experiment to help you take more climate action by having more fun
What: I'll be your Climate Action Personal Trainer
When: September 2021
Cost: Whatever you want to pay
Limit: 20 people (ideally 10 individuals, 10 biz owners)
Time commitment: You pick (min ~2 hrs/week)
Pay what you want
I've wasted enough time trying to price this, and I'm still stumped. I'm mostly here for what I'll learn from you, so I'm charging $10 up front and letting you decide at the end what the actual price should be, including getting all your money back if you want. FWIW, electrifying everything should save the average household $1,050 and $2,585. Every year.
What to expect
No zoom calls, ever
A firm deadline to sign up: 12PM GMT on Aug 31
Me to answer calls & texts 8A-6P Central US on weekdays
Me bringing what I've learned in 25+ years of teaching, coaching and electrifying things
An obsession with hospitality
A commitment to making this fun and useful
What not to expect
Please don't sign up expecting a 10-step personal climate action plan, a sexy app, or climate-action-productivity porn.
Climate action is hard. And messy. This is about honest people asking for help and having very serious fun together.
Sep 1-3: 45 min 1:1 call, personalized reading list
Week 1: Complete fossil-fuel vs electric machine assessment, 30 min group call: pick 1 machine to electrify by 9/28
Week 2: 15 min 1:1 call, beta-test electrification games we're building
Week 3: TBD, help w/due diligence on angel investments in electrification
Week 4: TBD, Graduation conference call, 15 min 1:1's
Who am I?
My name's Matt Candler.I'm a teacher, coach, founder, and maker. Right now, I'm obsessed with helping people jumpstart their own climate action based on the simple truth that climate action can be laugh-out-loud, oops-a-little-pee-came-out fun.I'm not a personal trainer; I ate way too much sugar this week, mostly iced lattes. In plastic cups. I'm a regular guy who's struggling to do my part, just like you.I'm an electrification nerd obsessed with converting machines that run on fossil-fuels to run on electricity. I've been doing that for 15 years at nightshiftbikes.com.I'm beginning to understand how important electrifying the billions of machines in our lives can be. Turns out it is one of the most powerful ways we can take climate action. And since electrifying everything has to start somewhere, I decided we should all try to electrify something.Welcome! And thanks for being here.
☝️ why I started electrifysomething
If you have any questions before Aug 31, connect with me on twitter at @mcandler.
Sign up for a month of
Climate Action Personal Training
© ElectrifySomething/NightShiftBikes
This is an experiment; help me get better!
Thank you!
I don't take lightly that you are willing to share your credit card with Stripe for this, even it does help save the planet. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out.Matt Candler
[email protected]
"We had so much fun, we forgot we were saving the planet." - early players of electrifysomething.com game studio games
Our approach to game design is simple:
- Find early players willing to try silly games that could suck and probably have bugs.
- Delight those early players with responsiveness and hospitality even when things break.
- Shut the game down if we can't make it fun.
- Ask early players to co-build more games.
- Share profits with early players if things work out.
- Repeat.We need your input. On anything you see. Please let us know how we can make this crazy fun for you. And if you've got an idea for a new game, or other climate action hack, let us know!
You're awesome.
Mistakes are our chance to win you (back) over. Thank you for giving us a shot.